martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

4. Gramática: Adjetivos (Orden de los adjetivos)

4. Gramática

4.2. Adjetivos

4.2.1. Orden de los adjetivos (Order of adjectives)

 Es muy poco común que haya más de tres adjetivos
It is very unusual to have more than three adjectives.

Los adjetivos suelen venir en este orden
Adjectives usually come in this order:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Size  Shape Age  Colour Nationality Material
General Opinion:

good bad lovely  strange
beautiful nice brilliant excellent
awful important wonderful nasty

Specific Opinion:

Food: tasty; delicious
Furniture, buildings: comfortable; uncomfortable
People, animals: clever; intelligent; friendly

Por ejemplo:

Expensive fashionable small tight black  japanese silk dress

(Vestido de seda japonés negro ajustado pequeño a la moda caro)

Este es un ejemplo extremo para ejemplificar el orden de los adjetivos, pero otros casos más comunes son:

A handsome young man (un hombre joven mono); a big black car (un coche negro grande)...

Algunos adjetivos se usan solo al lado del nombre
A few adjectives are used only in front of a noun:
North, south, east, west, northern, southern,     eastern, western, countless, occasional, lone, eventful, indoor, outdoor...

We say:

 --He lives in the eastern district.
--There were countless problems with the new machinery.

Pero no decimos:
But we do not say:

-- The district he lives in is eastern
--The problems with the new machinery were countless.

We use some adjectives only after a link verb:

afraid alive alone asleep
content glad  ill ready
sorry sure unable well

Some of the commonest -ed adjectives are normally used only after a link verb:
annoyed;  finished;  bored; pleased; thrilled

We say:
--Our teacher was ill.
--My uncle was very glad when he heard the news.
--The policeman seemed to be very annoyed
But we do not say:
--We had an ill teacher.
-- When he heard the news he was a very glad uncle
-- He seemed to be a very annoyed policeman


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